This is a secure form.
(Uses 128 Bit SSL Encryption to protect credit card numbers.)
Child's Information
Are the natural mother and father of the child Jewish?
Yes No
If not please explain
Family Information
Emergency Contact
Allergy Information
Please provide any allergy information we shoud know about.
Schedule of fees:
$180 (Includes all sessions, supplies and snacks.)
Terms of Payment:
Please invoice me
Please charge my credit card
Credit Card Information:
In the event of an emergency, Chabad Lubavitch of Alexandria-Arlington has my permission to arrange for any necessary first aid or care by a licensed physician for my child while he/she is attending the program.
I have completed the registration form and have mailed the registration fee - if applicable - (see terms of agreement) to 3213 Duke Street #630, Alexandria, VA 22314as well as the appropriate payment for my child(ren) to attend the Chabad Lubavitch of Alexandria-Arlington Bat Mitzvah Club.
Signature of parent or legal guardian.